How To Introduce An Infant To Siblings

The woes of sibling rivalry are many and varied (pun intended) but it is all part of growing up in a family, even for those of us who are already adults. If there is anything that will add more to the family and give everyone a fresh opportunity to appreciate life, it is to have a brand new family member. But if you have had a child or two before, you will know that the pangs of envy and jealousy and fear that their little brother or sister will reduce the amount of love and attention they get, will be quite normal in other siblings as they expect their latest playmate. So here are some clever tips on how you can introduce the infant to his or her siblings in a smooth manner and avoid any road bumps along the way.

Keep them prepared
The little ones that are already in your life will know when their new sister or brother is on the way. But there are certain things that you can do to make it better and easier on them by keeping them prepared. From the start of your pregnancy get them to acknowledge the infant on the way as one of their own and tell them that they are just as precious as the new infant. This will reassure them and help them to put aside any feelings of sibling rivalry. Next, maybe organize a session for when the infant comes home for all of you including all your older kids so that they know that they too are still in the spotlight and are equally important. Yes it may seem rather silly but kids will be kids and it is up to you as the adult to make sure that they feel comfortable.

Get them involved
From the start, get your older kids involved in your pregnancy. Talk to them and relate tales of what you felt like to carry them before and how much you enjoyed every bit of the process. When you buy toys and clothes for the new infant, get something small at least for their siblings too and maybe even get them involved in arranging the nursery and folding the clothes and packing and the likes. If you want to get a baby photographer for a shoot, give special attention to the older siblings of your infant and let them take as many pictures as they like with their little brother and sister. All these are things that will help them accept the infant as a part of the family and get rid of any negative feelings like jealousy that they might be feeling.

Don’t make a difference
Last but not the least, don’t make a difference. It will be difficult to find time for anybody or anything else when the infant comes home, but try to talk to your other kids and get their help if you need any. Hug them and tell them that you love them too. Often when kids are made to feel like the big sand strong protectors of the new one, they adjust pretty fast and really well too. For more information, please click here.

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